Our Provision
At Little Treasures we understand the need for children to be treat as individuals, learning and developing at their own pace. These needs are met by individual planning and continuous support with encouragement and praise to ensure that each child reaches their full potential. Our goal is to prepare your child for their future success and meeting their needs from an early age will greatly promote understanding and enjoyment of leaning and education. This is done through ‘Our 7 curricular Goals’ document. This lists the 3 prime areas of learning, Communication and Listening/ Personal, Social and Emotional/ Physical Development as well as the 4 specific areas of Literacy/Mathematics/Understanding the World/Expressive Arts and Design. This document is displayed outside the nursery and is on our website.
Our nursery is divided into 4 rooms, organised by age. Our very youngest children enter our Yellow Room and stay here until their second birthday. The next room is the Blue Room, and children remain in this room until their third birthday. The Green Room is for children who are 3, they may be accessing their 3-year-old funding. Finally, our Red Room is for our oldest children who are accessing their 3-year-old, 30-hour funding.
Our curricular goal for Communication and Language states that when a child leaves us to start school, we would like them to be able to ‘engage in an extended conversation, expressing their points of view using a developing vocabulary’ The document then states how each of our four rooms is contributing to this end goal, what resources we will be using and what activities staff will be using to help the children reach and achieve this goal. This is then repeated for all 7 areas of development.
Key Person
When your child first starts with us they will be assigned to a key person who will be responsible for your child’s overall care and development needs. There may be times you’re your child’s key worker is not available, for instance holidays, and so we ensure every child has a ‘significant other’. This person will assume responsibility for your child and ensure that they have nappy changes, correct meals and report back to you at the end of the day.
We use Tapestry as a two-way communication system with parents. We take photos and send them to you with a brief explanation and we love receiving photos of things you have done at home.
Parents as Partners
“Parents are a child’s first educators”
We share information via conversations, planning, Tapestry and reports. Our very youngest children also have a daily diary on Tapestry, letting you know what they have eaten, if they have slept and what they have been doing. This is sent to you every day your child attends.
Story Sacks and Dental Sacks
Each half term we chose a book on which we base our activities. We inform parents of our chosen book, and we send our ‘story sack’ home to a named child each week. This ‘story sack’ is full of ideas and equipment for adults and children to use at home.
We also send home our ‘dental sack’. This is full of information and activities designed to help parent establish a good oral hygiene routine.