Little Treasures Day Nursery

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust

Government Funded Places

We provide childcare for children accessing the government funded sessions from the age of 9 months, including the Extended Hour Funding (30hr Funding)

There are a range of sessions available and these will be discussed at the time of registration. 

The table below highlights when your child may become eligible for either the 2 Year Funding or the 3- 4 Year Funding.

A child born on or between  Will become eligible for a free place from 
1st April and 31st August  1st September following their 2nd/3rd birthday 
1st September and 31st December  1st January following their 2nd/3rd birthday 
1st January and 31st March  1st April following their 2nd/3rd birthday 

9-month funding applies the term after your child’s 9th month. Please contact the nursery for more information and guidance.

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